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In my opinion

Welcome. This is an interesting post due to it's about my opinion lol. So, enjoy!

What is your opinion about women in the military?
I think that we should not make differences if the one who joins is a woman or a man. It does not matter because we all should have the possibility to serve in the army.
There is something that I do not agree with, and it is about the "call of the army". If a man is called to the army when he turns 18 years old he has to go. Forced to. If not, he is going to have to pay an amount of money. If a woman turns 18 years old and she has to go. She can miss that call and nothing happens.

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
I am sorry to say this, this way. But most of them suck. They only care by their own problems and to upgrade their lifestyle by giving money themselve. It is UNTHINKABLE that their coffee place has 20 chairs and they cost $400.000 each one. IS THAT POSSIBLE HAVING PEOPLE LIVING ON THE STREETS? HAVING THE MINIMUM SALARY IN $200.000? No way. I hope Frente Amplio can improve this situation because they all are fighting against the "Right" position.

What is your opinion about violence on television?
If you are mature enough to care about what you are watching it is okay. Nowadays, chilend are so into television and internet so there should be a way to block these programs due to parental control does not work too much. But, basically. If you know what you are doing and you are not damaging no one, go ahead.

What it is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?
If it is not going to kill someone and it is not going to change our country in a bad way it is okay. I do not agree to much paying for pets but if you are neuronless enough to do it; go ahead.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
I actually have not ever even smoken a cigarette so I do not know how you would feel if you are "high". I know that it hurts for health so I would not legalizate it. But, what about the coffee and alcohol? Should not it be ilegal as well? That is a good question.

What is your opinion about climate change?
We should stop being monkeys and we all should help our house. The earth. I do not know why people never recycle and clean our spaces but, I hope I can do something for our house in the future (after I get my bachelor)

What is your opinion about cloning?
There are two different ways to see this.
-You can become an asshole selling part of bodies only because of whim.
-You can clon and help to hospitals to save lifes. 
What would you do?

What is your opinion about recycling?
We all MUST do it. I visited a country where the recycle system is incredible. People even take off the paper from wines to recycle better. It is a hard way if we want to put this system in our country but I am sure in the future this will improve. We will be helping our house :)

What is your opinion about immigration?
We all should welcome them all. I mean, this should not be a real question due to it is about logic. We all are humans, why should not I help a person from another country?.
I am glad to have this diversity in Santiago (specially here because in Curicó, the place where I come from is not that common)

What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?
I agree with them only under the 3 cases. I would accept legalization for any reason only if we can say 100% sure that the fetus has no life. We all have responsabilities and not using condom or any preservative is only irresponsability. 

I did not put images because I believe that this is a serious post. Have a good day. 


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