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What does music mean to me?

I have a big link with music. Since I was seven years old I've dedicated my life to the music. I'm a Musician, basically.
Music for me is a lifestyle, I couldn't imagine my life without it. I could live without vision but without hearing... NEVER.

Kind of music I like...

It's hard for me because I frequently listen to a lot of types of music haha. But my favorite one is indie rock. Actually, rock is my favorite one. Nowadays I've been listening a lot of Latin trap, American trap and cumbias. I don't discriminate music. Music is music :)

My favourite musical instrument...

That's another hard question because as musician I've learnt about a lot of musical instruments and I can't choose just one haha

  • The musical instrument which I like most while I'm playing: It is the guitar. Yes, simply a guitar. Because if super useful, you can play everything with a guitar. The best time of my life has passed with a guitar in my hands.
  • The musical instrument which I like most while hearing: It's the piano and the violin. I'm a violinist but I can't play as David Garret, for example, so I do enjoy listening to orchestras and violin songs. (Czardas below, enjoy)

My favourite band and singer :)

Have you heard about Panic! at the disco?. That's my favourite group and I couldn't imagine my life without their lyrics. A lot of things of my life has been in a way because of them. They have influenced my life a looooooooooooooooooot. I've been loving that group for approximately 10 years. That's a lot and I know that I will hearing their music for another 10 years more.
By the way, they haven't come to Chile ;-;.
Here you can hear my favourite Panic! at the Disco's song
This song reminds me a lot of things. It's part of my heart.

I have another favourite group. It's a rock band called The Strokes. I know them since I played Guitar Hero for the very first time and I DO enjoy their music. What I love from them is the rhythm and you can hear my favourite The Strokes's song bellow.

I also have a favourite solo-singer: Ed Sheeran. Everything he writes touches my heart. Another thing that I love is... he plays everything with a guitar. You image imagine why I like it haha. He also has an amazing voice! Super high! haha 
Music I used to like..

I used to like Christell. She was a singer that I used to like but now I realize that her music sucks is not good at all haha.

Music of films that I remember...

I already talked about this in another post about movies. My favourite OST (Original soundtrack) is from a movie called "The book of the life".
I will post a song below so you can understand why I like it ;)

I hope you can enjoy the music that I like and enjoy all the song that I posted. Feel free to comment your favourites songs below. I'll be glad to listen to all of them.

Have a good day! :)


  1. great post i like it

  2. "You only live once" such a good song

  3. Hi Thomas,
    I see clearly the importance of music in your life... I haven't watched the film The book of life, so it was quite a surprise to me listening to the music of the film of Guillermo del Toro.
    His enthusiasm for mexican culture led him into COCO and was awarded an Oscar for the direction of the best animated film....
    Interesting post ... and I see you love writing ...
    See you,


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