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Showing posts from August, 2018
This is my last post on this blog What do I think about English at the University? It has been pretty interesting. When I entered the University I did not want to take these classes because I have been studying English for five years approximately so I wanted to have that time for Chemistry, Physics and Maths subjects. But, after these semester I can say that I am glad that I had to take this semester. I do not know if I learnt so much but I had the opportunity to practice due to, since I left the institute of English I am not able to speak English with any partner every week. (Face to face) About the blogs I like them and I do not like them at the same time. Sometimes themes were pretty bored but, after all, they helped me to keep writing in English. (Specially because I do not often read so punctuation is something that I have to practice by writing instead of reading) What aspects of my English I shoud improve and how I would improve them. I think that my English

What would I change?

In this new post I am going to talk about what I would change about my programme (career): As a first year student I do not have a lot to say about this, only what I have lived so let's do it!  What would I change from the curriculum? I actually do not know what I would change because I just started but, I may add more Chemisrty subjects. I do not think that we have chemistry subjects enough for a first year, In my opinion. What I would change to the worklaod and length of studies? I would not change length of studies. I think it lasts enough. About the workload, nothing. We deserve all the things realted to what we are studying and what we are doing as chemists. Faculty facilities: Due to I am in first year I do not know if we need something else to improve our learning system. 'till now we have the enough stuff to work at the laboratories and in the classroom. Maybe improve the projectors because most of the time they get stuck haha. Use of techno

In my opinion

Welcome. This is an interesting post due to it's about my opinion lol. So, enjoy! What is your opinion about women in the military? I think that we should not make differences if the one who joins is a woman or a man. It does not matter because we all should have the possibility to serve in the army. There is something that I do not agree with, and it is about the "call of the army". If a man is called to the army when he turns 18 years old he has to go. Forced to. If not, he is going to have to pay an amount of money. If a woman turns 18 years old and she has to go. She can miss that call and nothing happens. What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians? I am sorry to say this, this way. But most of them suck. They only care by their own problems and to upgrade their lifestyle by giving money themselve. It is UNTHINKABLE that their coffee place has 20 chairs and they cost $400.000 each one. IS THAT POSSIBLE HAVING PEOPLE LIVING ON THE STREETS? HAVING