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In this opportunity I have to talk about what I would like to study after my pregrade. (If I finish my current degree lol)

It's a little bit hard to talk about this because I already know that this is what I want. But, chemistry and science is a big abysym abyss of ideas so. How would I choose?

One day I would like to study organic chemistry, another day I may prefer inorganic chemistry. Chemistry in general is beautiful and interesting so I am not totally able to choose just one. Anyways, here we go!

Reasons to do cours:

Even if my life is short I know what I would like to become. Someone who helps to improve a town/city/region/country/world/universe. (You know what I mean) and if you want to help as much as you can you need to know everything about your science. In my case: Chemistry and Physics. That's a huge reason for me.

Another reasons is: apart from being in a laboratory making substances explode I want to be in front of people giving presentations of things I discovered so I must get a master. That's what I things at least.

Funny video called lab rules. Enjoy!

Subject I would like to study:

You may imagine that I would like to study something related to Chemistry or Physics; and if you do, you're damn right!

I don't have more to say about it, that's what I like!

Where I would like to study:

I would love to study at the MIT (Massachusetts institute of technology) because it's a so developed institute! I know I will have the opportunity to improve as a professional (supposing that I get my degree) and to work as a Chemist.

That's a "dreamed place to study" for me.

How I would like to learn:

I love watching. In my time studying I realized that the best way for me to study is by watching. If I have the change to watch a surgery I am sure that I will be able to learn more than studying by books. I know that you always have to have previous knowledge but all I learn is better by watching.

I don't have anymore to say. I hope you enjoyed this post and please watch the video I posted above! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

All the best,



  1. It seems like a very huge laboratory :0
    Su lol?

  2. A post graduate study in inorganic chemistry would be very nice.

  3. You really love labs don't you? haha

  4. Sounds interesting but I rather organic chemistry:0


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