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My favourite book and film.

Actually, I don't really enjoy films and books. I prefer music so.. haha, if you ask me to recommend you a song or a music band I could spend the whole day here. But as it's not the situation, let's try something!

My "favourite" film.

In my life I've seen some film so I think I can pick one, for example: The book of the life. 
Have you ever watched it?. It's a film contextualized in the Mexican culture, specifically on Dead's day, the catrinas and all that stuff.

The story is about love and adventures, and as it's Mexico you can suppose that it has soooooo much music! That's actually the thing that I love haha!

You can watch below two of my favourite songs of it .

The first one is "The apologize song", it's about apologizes (super obvious).

The second song is "I love you too much", I don't even have to say what it is about haha

I recommend them because of the music and the story, also, Mexical culture and draw style give it a huge plus! 

I hope you can enjoy as much as I do it!

My "favourite" book.

The same than in films. I don't really have a favourite one because I frequently don't read literature. Anyways, I've read some books and the ones that I've finished have been cool. The last one that I read was "El festival de la blasfemia" but that's not my favourite one. I also read "Eleanor & Park" but it's not my favourite as well.

My favourite one is called "Better off friends" (¿Y si quedamos como amigos?, in Spanish), I read it like two years ago and it gave me so many values. So, that's why it's important for me; and why it's my favourite one.

It's about a couple of friends, these guys met when they were friends best friends for a long time. A lot of things happened between them and that's super interesting. I can't say more because I prefer you to read it!. 

This book is not for everybody. You have to enjoy romantic situations to enjoy this book. Everything is love here haha.

If you have the opportunity to read it, do it! 

I hope you enjoyed this new post, see you aroun'!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. great post, i will watch the film it sounds great and i will read the book it sound like a nice book

  3. you read dross shit stuff xd lol , and the name of the book "better off friends " the first thought i get is friendzone xd

    1. Hahahaha cmon! Actually is not about friendzone. It gives good value, you may give it a try

  4. i love the esthetic of the movie and the story sounds great!!!

  5. Very good book and movie thomas, I also want to see them


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