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Showing posts from July, 2018
Welcome to this new post! In this opportunity I am going to talk about our hands. Hands are amazing! Don't you think? Thanks to them you can touch most of the things, you can feel. Hands are able to play music. Hands are able to make signs. You can write because of them! They are amazing! Hands actually do not have an specific role. Because, they are made to help in our daily things. All the things that we need to move are made by our hands. When we cook, when we read the newspaper, when we do anything hands are there helping us. Hands are after our arms.  That's a hand (just one because was pictured on the other side), and as you can see it has nails at the end of every finger. The size of a hand is approximately 189mm for men and 170mm for women. Sadly, things are not perfect and you can easily get tendonitis if you don't take care of them. Tendonitis is an illness which consists in a inflammation in our tendons; tendons that connect our hands to our bon
Welcome again! In this opportunity I have to talk about what I would like to study after my pregrade. (If I finish my current degree lol) It's a little bit hard to talk about this because I already know that this is what I want. But, chemistry and science is a big abysym abyss of ideas so. How would I choose? One day I would like to study organic chemistry, another day I may prefer inorganic chemistry. Chemistry in general is beautiful and interesting so I am not totally able to choose just one. Anyways, here we go! Reasons to do cours: Even if my life is short I know what I would like to become. Someone who helps to improve a town/city/region/country/world/universe. (You know what I mean) and if you want to help as much as you can you need to know everything about your science. In my case: Chemistry and Physics. That's a huge reason for me. Another reasons is: apart from being in a laboratory making substances explode I want to be in front of people giving pre