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Showing posts from May, 2018

My wanted and waited future

Welcome again! I’m going to talk about my future (wanted) job! What kind of job would I like to have? I want to become a University Teacher. A Chemistry teacher and also a laboratorist at the Uni. I do love researching and I also love teaching. So I think that an Academic is what I want to become. I see myself in a laboratory exploding substances haha. Researching with my partners and writting papers J Would I like to travel because of my job? I also would like to travel for studying and also to research and teach. If I become what I want to be here. I’d like to also work in another place; United States if it’s posible. What about the salady? I believe that the salary is enough to survive and do what I like. I don’t know if I will get 10.000.000$ Chilean pesos or the minimum salary. I just know that I want to become a Chemistry teacher at Uni. Would I take a major? I would like to take a major after my pregradre about inorganic chemitry. That’s too interest


OPEN THIS SONG AND ENJOY READING What does music mean to me? I have a big link with music. Since I was seven years old I've dedicated my life to the music. I'm a Musician, basically. Music for me is a lifestyle, I couldn't imagine my life without it. I could live without vision but without hearing... NEVER. Kind of music I like... It's hard for me because I frequently listen to a lot of types of music haha. But my favorite one is indie rock. Actually, rock is my favorite one. Nowadays I've been listening a lot of Latin trap, American trap and cumbias. I don't discriminate music. Music is music :) My favourite musical instrument... That's another hard question because as musician I've learnt about a lot of musical instruments and I can't choose just one haha The musical instrument which I like most while I'm playing: It is the guitar. Yes, simply a guitar. Because if super useful, you can play everything with a guitar. The